THE RUTHLESS COMEDY HOUR is a comedy variety show for grownups with half an effing brain. In its 5th smash year, it features top stand-up comedians, musicians, and celebrity interviews, and addresses social, political, and local concerns by making brutal fun of them. Bergreen is a veteran stand-up comedian and author of two acclaimed novels. Kaplan tours extensively with her comedy rock band, The Cynthia Kaplan Ordeal, and is the author of two just as acclaimed collections of humorous essays. Kahaney was a grand finalist on NBC's Last Comic Standing, has been on all the late-night shows and has had specials on Comedy Central and HBO.

Previous guests include: Susie Essman, Cathy Ladman, Andy Borowitz, Laurie Kilmartinm Sam Morril, Josh Gondelman, Myq Kaplan, Ophira Eisenberg, Jim Gaffigan, Jeannie Gaffigan, JR Havlan, Judy Gold, Alan Zweibel, Mike Albo, Kevin Avery, Jon Fisch, Monroe Martin, Joy Behar, Nancy Giles, Dave Hill, Keith Robinson, Marina Franklin, Ted Alexandro, Carmen Lynch, Jessica Kirson, Wendy Liebman, Jackie Kashian, and more.

And! We donate proceeds from the show to a different charity every month, giving both funds and exposure to critical organizations such as the ACLU, Fair Fight 2020, Immigration Equality, The Equal Justice Initiative, Tuesday’s Children, GALvanizeUSA, the ADL, Westside Campaign against Hunger, Gilda’s Club, Act Blue, Meals on Wheels, and more.